Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cookies and a big oops

Jason has an orthodontist appointment today and just Melissa and I are home right now. We made cookies for Cubbies tomorrow night and she wanted to mix them herself. (see bottom two pictures) She had fun mixing and cutting the cookies, but when it was time to take a pan out of the oven, I couldn't find my hot pad.
I knew I had taken it out but as I could not find it I assumed I had put it away. A couple minutes later smoke started coming out of the oven and I opened it to see what was wrong. Guess where I found the hot pad...

The hot pad was in the oven!!!!!!


Emily said...

ha ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

That trait was passed down from your Grandmother.

Tracy said...

Well at least I know I got it from someone.
Emily, knowing you, I actually wouldn't doubt you've done something like that before. :P